Friday 10 January 2014

Glossary Terminology Part-1

Symbol for the bitwise exclusive OR operator.
Symbol for the bitwise complement operator. Inverts all bits.
Symbol for the logical NOT operator.
Not-equal relational operator.
See curly braces.
 Symbol for the bitwise OR operator.
Symbol for the logical OR operator.
Symbol for the modulus operator.

1. Symbol for the bitwise AND operator.2. A symbol used to precede a variable name (as in &x). Means the address of the named variable (address of x). Used to assign a value to a pointer variable.Used to declare a reference variable.

Symbol for the logical AND operator (used in comparison operations).

1. Symbol for the multiply operator.
2. Symbol used to precede a pointer variable name that means get the value stored at the
address pointed to by the pointer variable. (*x means get the value stored at x.) Sometimes
known as the de-referencing operator or indirect operator.

+ Symbol for the add operator.

++ Symbol for the incrementation operator.

- Symbol for the subtract operator.

-- Symbol for the decrementation operator.

-> Used to obain a member from a class or structure pointer.

->* Indicattes the item pointed to by a "pointer to member."

/ Symbol for the divide operator.

< Less-than relational operator.

1.Symbol for the left shift operator.
2.Used by the iostream package for output.
:: Scope operator. Used to indicate which class a particular identifier belongs to.

::* Used to declare a pointer to a class member.
<= Less-than-or-equal-to relational operator.

== Equal relational operator.

> Greater-than relational operator.

>= Greater-than-or-equal-to relational operator.

>> 1.Symbol for the right shift operator.
2.Used by the iostream package for input.

End-of-string character (the NULL character).

A C++ preprocessor directive that defines a substitute text for a name.

The closing bracket to a preprocessor macro section that began with an #ifdef

Preprocessor directive that checks to see whether a macro name is defined. If defined, thecode following it is included in the source.

Preprocessor directive that checks to see whether a macro name is undefined. 

If it iscurrently undefined, the code following is included in the macro expansion.

A preprocessor directive that causes the named file to be inserted in place of the#include.

#undef A preprocessor directive that cancels a #define.

_ptr A convention used in this book. All pointer variables end with the extension _ptr.

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